Thursday, September 26, 2013

This week was all about government.  We had a paper due and a quiz.  We learned about taxes and there structures.  I want to focus on obamacare.  I disagree with this.  There are too many cons to balance the pros.  This will add more people on health insurance making the money spent on this more.  The provisions do sound good but i don't think it will be implemented correctly.  On Thursday, we watched a video and played a game.  On Friday there is a Junior Senior showdown.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

This week we talked about stocks and the circular flow chart.  Also we talked about the government and free enterprise.  The circular flow chart shows the cycle from the factor market to the businesses to the product market then to the individuals.  The circular flow charts with the government just explains how the government takes taxes.  On Wednesday we set up our stock market game and it has been interesting.  I started off in first place and today i was last.  That doesn't really mean anything but how drastic the market changes in a day.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

This week was shorter then usually.  Since we had labor day off, we only had a four day week.  On Tuesday we took our first test.  In class we talked mostly about different types of economies.  There was Traditional, Command, and Market economies.  We mainly focused on Command and Market.  One day we did an excuse where we had to draw a picture explain each of the types without words.  It wasn't very hard, but it does show whether or not you understand the information.  On Thursday we went deep into Karl Marx and his beliefs.  Also we learned and watched videos on the four countries that is closest to a pure command economy.  I think that the Market economy is the best way to go because it gives everyone the right to their opinion and you are more free.  Obviously this is a biased opinion just because that is what America is.   I think the pros and cons are balanced better then other economies where the cons out reach the pros.