Thursday, September 26, 2013

This week was all about government.  We had a paper due and a quiz.  We learned about taxes and there structures.  I want to focus on obamacare.  I disagree with this.  There are too many cons to balance the pros.  This will add more people on health insurance making the money spent on this more.  The provisions do sound good but i don't think it will be implemented correctly.  On Thursday, we watched a video and played a game.  On Friday there is a Junior Senior showdown.


  1. I agree with your view on obamacare. I believe it is much too expensive and also a little unconstitutional.

  2. I disagree with you. I agree with Obamacare. Though there are cons that are more evident now, Obamacare will end up helping poeople more than making their lives more difficult in the future. Everyone needs health care. I did enjoy watching the videos, though the game was confusing. Junior Senior Showdown was teriffic!!!! I really enjoyed it. It took up the whole second half of our day and turned out to be very exciting.

  3. I agree with Bradley the Obamacare system sounds like it will help many people but in order to do that they are going to need to make more money to cover the low income people and to do that they will raise premiums on higher income families and raise taxes on insurance companies.
